The mold for the surface structure constructed using corrugated box.
Surface Mero system_Bowl Nodes constructed by
stuffing ear-buds into circular tubes cut into a specific size.
The bowl nodes are joined in a hexagonal configuration
using the stems of the ear-buds.
The process is repeated until it fits the mold.
The hexagonal bowl nodes are joined together in a single layer.
The layer is fit onto the mold.
The extra pieces are taken out so that the layer fits the edge of the mold.
The bowl node layer of the structure is completed.
The other layer of the Mero System, the ball node is constructed using
beads with the stem of ear-buds.
The ball node is individually constructed & mass-produced
The ball node is connected to the bowl node,
completing the entire layer of the surface structure
of the Esplanade.
Transparent sheets as glass panels are fixed in between
the triangular shapes of the surface structure.
The aluminium panels are mass-produced from art cards.
The aluminium panels are fixed onto the surface structure
as a shading device.
The 'spikes' or aluminium panels of the Esplanade
The 'Y' column structure is cut from white modelling
hard boards.
The 'Y' structure in pieces.
A thin perspex is added in the interior to hold the structure up.
The Esplanade, Theaters by the Bay Replica Model
The Mero System_The Bowl Node structure in detail model 1:4
made of perspex, sprayed-on plasticine, circular tubes, modelling hard board
The Mero System_The Ball Node structure in detail model 1:4
made of connectors, sprayed-on plasticine, circular tubes
Finished Model